The CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) exam helps professionals decide if a career in IT is right for them or to develop a broader understanding of IT. ITF+ will certify the successful candidate has the knowledge and skills required to identify and explain the basics of computing, IT infrastructure, application software development, database fundamentals, and security.
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Understanding of Python programming language
Program and games creation using Python 2 & 3
Knowledge of GUI creation
Advanced Python features such as collections module & timestamps
Students and freshers with interest in coding
IT professionals looking for a domain with utmost job security
Non- IT professionals willing to enter into IT with easy coding
Organizations focusing on leveraging Python on a large scale
Understanding of Python programming language
Program and games creation using Python 2 & 3
Knowledge of GUI creation
Advanced Python features such as collections module & timestamps
Students and freshers with interest in coding
IT professionals looking for a domain with utmost job security
Non- IT professionals willing to enter into IT with easy coding
Organizations focusing on leveraging Python on a large scale
What’s included
What you’ll learn
Exam Voucher Details
- Vouchers are non-refundable and non-returnable.
One voucher is applicable towards one exam at an authorized CompTIA Test Service Provider.
All vouchers, including any retakes, are valid for 12 months from the date of purchase unless otherwise noted.
You must register and take your exam prior to the voucher expiration date.
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